by Francisco Jose López de Ahumada Beato

The administration has drafted two reports, one in December and the other in June, on the financial situation of the community. The conclusions in both reports are positive: savings have been made and money has been invested in some urgent requirements. In general, the financial situation has improved compared to the previous year. In the first of the reports we can see that 2020 has been signed off with a saving of more than 56.000 € on the approved budget.
This has made it possible to cover the severance payment of an employee, without having to resort to extraordinary funding. It has also served to cover the bad debt of Oceana Avenue. The rest of the savings have been used to make a provision for future improvements, such as the repair of the pedestrian bridge.
In the second report on the accounts, it is clear that the evolution of the budget and expenditure is normal. At the moment approximately 50% of the budget has been spent, which is in line with the 50% of the financial year.
The budget included in this last report is the same as last year’s budget, because as it has not been able to hold a meeting, it has not been able to submit a new budget for approval and the existing one has to be extended by law.
The conclusion of these reports is that expenditure is under control and there are no major deviations. The financial situation has been improving with respect to the previous year, with the community having a better cash flow situation.
Meridional is working day after day to ensure that this positive trend in the accounts is maintained and thus to be able to make more and more savings. These will then allow us to continue making the improvements that Gran Community needs.

How Miraflores has changed in the meantime!
The planning of Miraflores is not only great houses and gardens, but also a well united community of owners where the majority is under the same rules and regulations.
For same reason, I also wanted a single homeowners community administrator for all the 18 homeowners’ communities as well as the grand community, where Miraflores was the absolute single priority. Being united, does not only have a logistic benefit but also an economic benefit for our homeowners. Our first administrator was Mr. Salvador Cordero and for many years Miraflores managed to keep the communities together, but unfortunately, over the past few years this was partly lost.
It is not normal for a developer to continue to stay in the management of the development after it is completed. Some ask me why do I stay on and even accept the post of a community president? Is it for economic interest? I understand that some may think so, but I have a clear conscience. Still after 40 years, I continue with daily on-going tasks at Miraflores.

It is also important that he or she have some understanding of different mentalities of our multinational owners. You cannot speak in the same way to a German as to a Spaniard.
Having read and fully understood the community bylaws as well as have certain degree of technical knowledge. Most of the budget of the communities has to do with maintenance and repairs. Understand providers quotes to be able to valuate same and make proper decisions.
A professional homeowners community administrator is vital for the day-to-day management and maintenance and to make important savings. Some communities choose their administrator due to lowest fee, which is obviously an error. You can´t expect a professional good administration and management or expect to receive proper service, if you don´t pay a reasonable fee.
We must remind ourselves, that most homeowners communities might change their community president after one or more years, while most keep their administrator year after year. So, the choice of a good professional administrator is of utmost importance. But just to be an experienced administrator is not enough.
I have a saying: “Experience only serves its’ owner while knowledge is universal”